Things AppleScripts

Posted on: 2009-08-25 09:32:56

Just thought I'd throw these out here. They are a couple of AppleScripts that have helped me manage what I have going on in Things.

"Followup Tomorrow":

This script closes the task for today, creates a new one for tomorrow and adds the label "follow-up." This gives me a warm fuzzy that I got something accomplished for the day but that there is something else tomorrow that needs to be followed-up on. It doesn't copy notes, just the title.

"Followup Next Business Day":

This script functions the same was as the one above, but if you execute it on a friday, it will schedule it for Monday.

Just throw these guys in ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Things and you're set! To use them, click on a task and then select them from the Scripts menu in the top-right corner of the screen (or assign them a hot-key).

Anyway, hope this helps someone!