Alternating Alignments On Full Node Views With Contemplate
Posted on: 2008-07-14 23:43:59While converting my "Netoteric": site to "Drupal":, there was a small problem with the "portfolio": page. The items in it alternate between left and right. Views Theme Wizard didn't work. It was time for more desperate measures.
I added a function in my custom template file, which created an index number and assigned it to a node member.
<code type="php">/**
- Display the nodes of a view as plain nodes. */ function theme_views_view_nodes_portfolio($view, $nodes, $type, $teasers = false, $links = true) { $i=0; foreach ($nodes as $n) { $node = node_load($n->nid); $node->__views_index_number = $i++; $output .= node_view($node, $teasers, false, $links); } return $output; }
overrides the "Views": default theme function, but only for the portfolio view.
Then inside the contemplate body template I just added a modulo function to alternate between left and right:
<code type="php"><div class="thumbnail =($node->__views_index_number % 2 ? 'right':'left')?>">
And voila! Now the images alternate between left and right...