Recreate Drupal's users table from url_alias table
Posted on: 2015-08-19 22:36:38
So I needed to recreate a truncated users table to stop the Drupal admin from barfing all over the admin... the url_alias table has the UID and the user names in it... so why not?
REPLACE(source, 'user/', '') AS uid,
REPLACE(alias, 'users/', '') AS name,
SHA1('nothing') AS pass,
CONCAT(REPLACE(alias, 'users/', ''), '@no.none') AS mail,
'' AS theme,
'' AS signature,
'filtered_html' AS signature_format, -- make sure this is okay
0 AS created,
0 AS access,
0 AS login,
1 AS status,
NULL AS timezone,
'en' AS language,
0 AS picture,
CONCAT(REPLACE(alias, 'users/', ''), '@no.none') AS initial_size,
NULL AS data
FROM url_alias
WHERE source LIKE "user/%" -- Only grab users
AND source != "user/1" -- But not user 1
I didn't need the emails to be anything useful.